Saturday, September 11, 2021

Fantasy Is Not ALL

 As I finished the last blog, I was pretty complacent that Fantasy is the only genre that is selling.

In order to be a popular and earning member of the author community, one must have at least a seven book fantasy series. At least, that’s the consensus I was getting.

After all, Harry Potter is a seven book series. From cover contrast to title lettering, everything is imitated in one book or the other. 

It is evident  in the Shiva Trilogy  and in other best selling fantasy series. Though, Shiva Trilogy cannot be a seven book series. LoL.

This realisation made me aware. After all, it is not a formula.

While doing some other research, I found out that top charts are not really dominated by fantasy series. Still Elizabeth Brontë and Jane Austin are among the first fifty best sellers in India. There are Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Franz Kafka, Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Rumi.

On the United States market, George Orwell’s 1984 is still hugely popular.

So what matters most? 

The content. 

People are still finding solace in Rumi and enjoying Metamorphosis. These two had no chance of being reinvented by BBC worldwide as Sherlock Holmes Telly Series from time and again, from generation to generation, despite the marvel of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s pen. Also, there is absolutely mesmerizing One thousand Year of Solitude. 

Therefore, content creators need not sigh. But, they must start polishing their creations and learn how to make the end product shine in the crowd.

Not only the cover or promotion, but also the content needs to be outstanding.

Keep Writing.

Happy Writing.

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