Thursday, March 24, 2022

Street Facts and Little Abode for Children


This is not fiction. But these are fun facts.

Little Abode for Children was launched on October 4, 2021. It is available at:

It was loved by the readers.

The gradual love of readers placed the book among top books in different categories.

That stats on March 21, 2022 were like these:

#9 in One-Hour Teen & Young Adult Short Reads

#41 in One-Hour Mystery, Thriller & Suspense Short Reads

#123 in One-Hour Literature & Fiction Short Reads

Along with Little Abode for Children, Street Fact, which was released on November 15, 2021 reached some top places in some categories, too. It is available at :

It’s stats on March 21, 2022 were like this:

#65 in One-Hour Mystery, Thriller & Suspense Short Reads

#232 in One-Hour Literature & Fiction Short Reads

#1,251 in Women's Detective Fiction

All along I thought reviews attract more readers. But Little Abode for Children had zero (0) reviews till  this post went live and Street Fact has one.

I am still hungry for reviews.

If your suggestion is to create a million fake accounts and post reviews from those accounts (Of Course 5-star reviews), then you must know that I have to make a purchase of $50/- from all those accounts to make those accounts eligible for writing reviews. Thus, the idea must be scrapped because it was impractical and excessively expensive. The same reason would deter me from writing negative reviews of the books competing with the books mentioned above. I have seen people doing things like this on Amazon. 

There is no point buying reviews or exchanging reviews. None of these actions would help me grow as an author. I need real reviews. 

Will you post a review for these books? 

Let me know in the comments.

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